VQ1SSB 1959 Zanzibar
I can't remember ever seeing this QSL card before and the writing on it is not mine. No log books exist for that Zanzibar trip so I dont know if it is for a genuine QSO with me. It could be one of those self made cards that happened in those days. All the info is correct but I note there was no postal address printed on the card (the reverse side of card is blank). At this time of my life I had little money. The origional VQ1SSB QSL was made on the back of my VQ4GX card and stenciled with cut out cardboard and boot polish.
(Note on bottom of this card says "QSL Courtesy W5EB Marv".)
Photo of John Roberts VQ1SSB, VQ4GX, (now VK4TL) operating from the rooftop of the Pigalle Hotel Zanibar with a Don Spooner W6TNS type receiver and homebrew transmitter. The RX and TX were home brew. I single handedly managed to get a full sized 20 metre cubical quad mounted up on the hotel.
VK4TL's old calls GW3IVS, G3IVS, VS6CW, VQ4GX, VQ3GX, 5H3GX, VQ1SSB, and ex-op of RAF Gibraltar club station ZB2A.
QSL from the estate of ET3VC,
Photo, Info courtesy of VK4TL