The Gallery

"H" Prefix

K8CX Ham Gallery Homepage

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HA7TY Hamshack photo

Hallicrafters HT-41 Linear Amplifier

Hallicrafters SX-115 Receiver Ad

Hallicrafters Building Then & Now

Hamcation 2019 Photos

Hamcation 2024 Photos

Hammarlund HQ129X Receiver Photo by W8SU

Hara Arena Trotwood, OH after 2019 Tornado

HB0 - History of Liechtenstein Callsigns Through the Ages

HB0 - History of Liechtenstein Callsigns (German Version)

HB9BG Antique Hamshack Photo

HB9CYN on Reunion Is. as FR/HB9CYN/P

HB9CYN operates from The Maldives as 8Q7YN

HB9CYV on Reunion Is. as FR/HB9CYV/P

HB9CZR operates from The Maldives as 8Q7ZR

HB9CZR and HB9CYN operate a VHF contest from Mt. Rigi

HB9FNO in his Hamshack

HC1MD, XE1L, K8LJG Photo

HC5HC Photo

HC5MU YL Photo

HC8N Contest Crew 1996 VE3EJ, KW9KW, HC1OT, WN4KKN

HC8N Antenna Farm

HC8N Some housing on the Island

HC8N Antenna Farm anther view

HC8N VE3EJ doing some antenna work

HC8N 20 Meter tower

HK0/M Malpelo Island photo

HK0TU Malpelo Is. in 1960

HL1MC 1st CW operation from North Korea in 1950 by K8MFO


Hollywood High School Radio Club 1920's

HS5ABD 1970 Log & Info from 160M Operation


This site is copyright © by K8CX of Paradox Design Group (PDG).
All Rights Reserved. All art, photos, and html is property of PDG.