The Gallery

"K" Prefix

K8CX Ham Gallery Homepage

| # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

| K1 | K2 | K3 | K4 | K5 | K6 | K7 | K8 | K9 | K0 | OTHER |


K1GMB, K1JHX, K1GMC, K1IKJ, K1ASJ 1960 Photo

K1AJ putting up large yagi

KA2RS Photo, Info

K2DDK 1968 Hamshack Photo

K2DGU, W2RUF Photo + Info by W8SU

K2JHW Classic DXers Dream Cartoon

K2QXG Classic 1958 Hamshack Photo

KA2CYN Dave in New City, NY

KA2NXL in his Hamshack

K2UKQ YL Photo + Info, Franklin Park, NJ

K2UTS, K8CX, KK8W, W8SU 2012 Photo

K2UTS Operating W100AW HQ Station Nov. 2014

KF2XN/KH2 on Guam at the shack of KH2D

KF2XN/KH2 on Guam with Danny KH2JU

KF2XN 2 Element 5 Band Quad at home QTH

KF2XN Looking up the Tower

KF2XN with KS6FO, KS6DV (now AH8LG) on American Samoa

K3CR 1997 Contest Site: KO9A, ON4UN, DL2CC, NW3Z

K3DR, E21EIC and Family

K3GP, ND8L, WW3S 2014 Photo

K3LA Antenna Party on New Years EVE 2022

K3LR Photos

K3LR, K8CX Celebrate 50 Yrs. of Friendship on 6/24/2022

K3LR, KM3T, KELLY, K3LEA, K3LA, K8CX: Oct. 2017 Photo

K3LR, NX8J 2012 Photo


K3LR, W2GD, K8CX July 2020 Photo

K3LR, K8CX, K3UA August 2, 2022

K3MD 110' rotating Rohn 45G tower

K3MMM, AC8KW, WARA 2009 Hamfest Photo

K3QK Shows his quad after a Micro Burst

K3QK's Quad The Storm of May 19, 1997

K3QK's Quad, Not for the meek at heart

K3QK's Quad, A weather dilemma

K3QK's Home & NEW 6 Element Quad, a beautiful day

K3VK, K8CX Operate Field Day 1985

K3VK, K8CX, Chuck Foltz, Alan Roscoe at K8CX New Years Eve 97

K3VK Visit to Shack of K8CX Sept. 2018

K3VK, K8CX Group Photo Sept. 2018

K3WWP's HamShack

K3WWP's QSL card wall from 1963

K3XC on his tower


K4BVQ in his 1959 Hamshack + Info by W5KNE

K4IE in his Hamshack

Photos: 1959 TN K4LNM

K4SKI Charlie Wells Magazine article + Info with photos

K4SKI QTC RADIO Magazine Cover Antenna Farm

K4SKI RADIO AMATOORI Magazine Cover + Info Huge Antenna

K4ZA, KI4TZ at K8CX July 2018

KD4ZD Photo

KB4ZEB Hamshack Photo

KP4AO 432 Mhz EME 2010 Sound Clips, Photos

KF4VRO Quad, Hamshack, and Club Logo

KU4ZD Hamshack and Mobile

KV4BA Classic Hamshack Photo

K5BGB 1960 Hamshack Photo

K5NZ 40 Meter Beam

K5PSG Peggy Sue Gerron, short story

KE5FYE Astronaut Sandra Magnus

KZ5JF Hamshack Photo

KZ5JF Hamshack Photos

KZ5PW Photos

K6BL, K3LR, K3LA, W6NL, W3JL, K8CX 2009 Photo

K6ENL + Info Aleta Cash 1958 Photos by W5KNE


K6JC 1960 Photos

K6JY and Tower

K6QS 2002 QCWA Photo

K6RL Hamshack Photo

K6SE in his Hamshack

K6VK 2012 Hamshack Photo


KB6JOX Photo QSL Card

KD6AZN in his HamShack

KE6ZX HamShack

KE6ZX's Very well hidden antenna

KH6ARA 1960 Hamshack Photo

KH6GRN/KH3 on Johnston Is.

KH6KS in his hamshack late 1950's

K7IQI Hamshack Photo

KB7HIN and family


KC7DM Classic station, op photo, and QSL

KC7DM Novice photo from 1957 as KN0VMO

KC7DM Classic station from 1962 as K0VMO

KC7DM The Wullenwebber Antenna takes up over 40 acres

KC7DM U.S. Mil. communications intercept stn in Scotland 1965

KC7DM The Intercept compound's Rhombic farm Scotland 1965

KC7V, K8CX, Adam 2024 in Arizona by K8CX

KO7X Hamshack

K8AZ Christmas Party's, NCC Meetings 2020, 2023, 2024

K8AZ 2024 ARRL DX Phone Contest

K8CFU Circular Quads 1959 photos

K8CX 3013 Receives YASME Award

K8CX 2019 Contest Dinner Banner

K8CX as WN8KCX A novice back in 1963!

K8CX 2013 Newspaper Interview

K8CX TH6DXX crashed into the ground 1970

K8CX TH6DXX another view!

K8CX TH6DXX yet another view!

K8CX about 15 years ago

K8CX HamShack 1994

K8CX 40 Meter beam at 130 feet

K8CX up the tower and a view from the top

K8CX Key and Sounder Collection 1998

K8CX Hamshack 1999

K8CX Internet station 1999

K8CX Tower & Shack Photo update Sept. 2016

K8CX 53 Years On-The-Air Poster by K2UTS

K8CX 2018 Antenna Project

K8CX 2019 Hamshack Photos

K8CX 2019 Aerial view of Antennas

K8CX 2022 Receiving Plaque for Amateur Radio HOF

K8DGJ 1966 Advisory Notice from FCC

K8EIJ, W3WGK 2012 Photo

K8JE, WD8CSN, W8JV, NR3C 2012

K8LSG Hamshack

K8MFO Road Trip Oct. 19, 2014 by K8CX, W8SU

K8MFO 2015 Luncheon

K8MFO Hamshack photos

K8MFO Barnshack + info 2010

K8OUA WARA Warren, OH 2011 Hamfest

K8UT, K3GP, WW3S, ND8L - 2015 VP9I CQ-WW RTTY Crew by ND8L

K8VWX Hamshack Photo by W8ER, W8SU


KB8N Visit to the K8CX Shack on May 24, 2024

KB8OMO 1980's Field Day by W8SU

KC8OHY, WA8ILI, W8IZC, K8MSH, W8LOO 2012 Photo

KC8RQH Hamshack

K8RR Hamshack 2024

KC8YDS Hamshack

KD8FAP, KC8EFO 2012 Photo

KD8IW Photo

KF8AM Motorcycle and Ham Radio

K9ECO Hamshack Photo

K9LKA / W9CPD 1967 Photo

K9QAM at the 1998 DX convention at Visalia

Kosovo, Postcard to ARRL about DXCC Status


This site is copyright © by K8CX of Paradox Design Group (PDG).
All Rights Reserved. All art, photos, and html is property of PDG.