V26X Photos

My host Roy, V21N offered to take me around the Island almost every day. I always went. I always took my camara with me. Here are some pics of the Island, of Roy and his family, his antenna farm, his QTH, and more!

Pansey, Roy's wife Roy V21N, Pansey, Moshi Rental QTH on right
K8CX in shack Roy's Grand daughters Rental front, Roys bk
Hamshack Moshi in shack VP2MEG in shack
5 over 5 on 15 3 over 3 on 20 4 / 4 / 4 on 10
2 over 2 on 40 BBC across the street Island cove
Condos Boat dock in cove Island scene
Island scene Lava rock Island scene
Lava rock Island scene Island scene
Island scene Island scene The mountains
The mountains Rebuilding new roads Just a tree
At the boat yard Boat yard from road Montserrat in the sun
Roys Grandaughters Roys Grandaughters Roys back yard
Rental closeup Police station Rental kitchen


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