Interesting QSL Cards
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Antique 1925 Official Observers "OO" Card to 1BEZ from 3APV
Antique 1927 Official Observers "OO" Card to 3TF from 9AEK
Antique 1928 Radiogram to 5AUG from 5HU
AX2GAMES 2000 Summer Games in Sydney, Australia
1AW 1924 Hartford, CT card from Hiram Percy Maxim by K8CX
1N2A Marcos Neutral Zone 1969 Great Story and Photos by W4PUL
1U4UN 2016 King Dmitry I from Bir Tawil
4K0E 1988 North Pole Floating Ice Station by OE1HGW
7Z1AB 1991 Operation Desert Storm QSL by W2CVM
9CXX Late 1920's Art Collins by W5JB
AH1A 1993 Clamshell QSL by K9RHY
AX9NL 1981 "The Royal Wedding" by K8CX
BV0BG Barry Goldwater in Taiwan by K9RHY
Delta Airlines 1992 Dayton Hamvention
DI2DR 1965 Max Planck Atlantic Expedition by OE1HGW, W5KNE
Diana Princess of Wales 1997 by K8CX
DJ3NG/MM 1983 Fatal DX-pedition to Spratly Islands by JF2IGP
DP0SL 1985 Space Shuttle with German astronauts by OE1HGW
DQ0KBM 100 years of regular wireless service in Germany
DX1S 2000 Philippines OH2BH, JA1BK, DU1EIB, DU3YL, DU9RG, DU1KT in CQWW CW
FCC Order to shut down Amateur Radio 1942 by W6CFK
FU8AD 1957 New Hebrides by W1TYQ, K8MFO
G8UO Second reply for QSL 1950's by G4UZN
GB0BCL 1985 Beatles City by G4UZN
GB0JLM 1986 John Lennon by G4UZN
GB0JLM 1985 John Lennon by G4UZN
GB5QM 1972 Last voyage of Queen Mary by VA3DN
HK0TU 1969 Story & Photos by W4PUL
HM1IJ 1976 South Korea + Info by W8AI
JA1AA, JA2AA, JA5AA, JA9AA, JA0AA 1996 by K8CX
JQ1YCW 2003 Cubesat XI-IV Satellite by G4UZN
JY1 King Hussein of Jordan by OE1HGW
JY1 King Hussein of Jordan by DL9ZAL
K0GRL 1956 General Curtis E. LeMay Aeronautical Mobile
K2US 1964 - 1965 New York Worlds Fair by K8CX
K2USA 1958 Ft. Monmouth Army Base, NJ
K4LIB 1960 Arthur Godfrey by W8SU
K4USA 1951 MARS Station at the Pentagon
K6EWQ 1933 Schofield Barracks, Hawaii by W9HK
K6QMC 1940 Schofield Barracks, Hawaii Radiogram by K8CX
K7RS Seanarc 1980 Convention Seattle by KL7IZZ
K7UGA 1967 Barry Goldwater by N1DG
K7UGA 1963 Barry Goldwater by KH6GF
K7UGA 2001 Barry Goldwater by K8CX
K8CVC 1961 Dayton Hamvention Card by W6HLM
KA0XTT "Last Man Standing" TV Show QSL by KB4SAD
KB1LWY & The HAMsters Class 2005 by K8CX
KDKA Broadcast Station 1928 by K8CX
KF3AA 1953 + Photos & Info Fletcher's Ice Island T-3 by W3EVW, N5WX, W4AQF
KF3AB 1953 + Photos & Info Flecher's Ice Island T-3 by Patrick Rigg, N5WX, W4AQF
KNT 1927 Zane Grey's Schooner by G4UZN
KH6SC 1948 Schofield Barracks, Hawaii by W0EHF
KJ6DO/KH7S + Info 1982 Pirate Operation Suitland Is. by W9HK, W5KNE
KL7FLC 1966 + Photos & Info Flecher's Ice Island T-3 by Patrick Rigg, N5WX, W4AQF
LA1K/V 1969 from Hell by OE1HGW
LG5LG 1983 Morokulien, border of Norway & Sweden by OE1HGW
Mystery Antique Photo by K8CX, W8SU, NL7XM
NA1SS 2001 International Space Station by K8CX
NA1SS 2006 International Space Station by KB3NDS
N6V 1976 Mission to Mars by W6BKA
N6XD Well Done & Cute QSL Card
NAA of the U.S. Navy 1940 by W1GUP
NC0ARL 1976 ARRL Bi-Centennial National Convention by W0MOV
OH9SCL Santa Claus Land 1999 by G4UZN
OIX-7 1947 Finland Broadcasting Station
RS0ISS International Space Station 2005 by N6JZ
RS3A 1978 Russian satellite RS11 by G4UZN
RV2/FO8 1948, QSL & great story, by W3EVW, G4UZN
Sputnik Russian Satellite SWL Card 1957 by SM5LNE
SVA 1999 Greek coastal marine station
TI9CF + Photos & Story 1970 by W4PUL
TN8-15796 1967 Congo SWL Station
U2OU The New York Times Radio Station by VA3DN
UC2IT 1938 Denver, Colorado by W9QOW
UPOL-13 1965 Soviet drifting (ice) station by OE1HGW
US0SU 1st Joint US / USSR DXPedition by N4MHQ
VQ3HGE 1948 Gatti-Hallicrafters DXpedition to the Mountains of the Moon
VS1BB/VS9 1958 an expedition by R.A.F. Seletar by K6ZO, W5KNE, NL7XM
W4GYZ 1947 + Info by W4HRR, W8SU
W5LFL Space Shuttle Columbia 1983 by K6RQ
W5RRR NASA Houston, Johnson Space Center by 4Z5OZ
W7U 2002 Salt Lake City XIX Olympic Winter Games by K8CX
WA1ARF/KL7 1967 + Photos & Info Flecher's Ice Island T-3 by Patrick Rigg, N5WX, W4AQF
WD2AID 2003 features Marvel Comics Red Sonja
W0CXX 1952 Arthur Collins, pres. of Collins Radio Co. by KH6GF
W1BB 1952 Stu Perry QSL on piece of wood by Bob Demaline
W1BDI F.E. Handy ARRL Communications Manager
W1IGZ 1933 Aero Radio Club 5 Meter Tests + Photos
W1MK 1931 ARRL HQ Station before W1AW
W2CKD 1956 Tex Beneker, jazz musician who played with Glenn Miller
W2EHR 1956 Wife of Tex Beneker by G4UZN
W2SKE 1954 Bill Leonard, President of CBS News by W8SU
W2USA 1939 New York Worlds Fair by W1GUP
W2USA 1947 New York First Army HQ by Patrick Rigg
W4TXL 1976 Zac Reynolds, Tobacco Clan? by W4MI
W5AGB/FM 1953 + Info, Photos Fletcher's Ice Island by Patrick Rigg, N5WX, W4AQF
W5LFL 1983 Space Shuttle Columbia by K6RQ
WA4HVL 1970s Plastic QSL Card by W4MI
W6EE/S 1961 Oscar 1 Satellite by W7SCW
W6FEW 1949 + "Interesting Story" by W6ARC
W6RO 1979 Queen Mary + Old postcard by K8CX
W6USA 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition by W9WPF
W8GZ 1958 Windom Antenna inventor by K3ZO
WB6RER Andy Devine 1965 by W8SU
WAR Signal Corps of the U.S. Army 1941 by W1GUP
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